Sunday, March 23, 2008

April 5th - Next Run & Goal Setting

Our next run will be on Saturday, April 5th at 7:00 a.m. We will once again meet at Rodney Thompson.

I loved our run yesterday - it felt good to get some mileage on my "winter" legs. I'm also excited about the fellowship and opportunities of our running group.

Thank you Danielle for letting us know about the upcoming Park Ridge 5K on April 12th. This is a great opportunity to participate in a 5K, and support our local schools.
Park Ridge 5K

Also, somewhat locally, the Charlottesville Marathon and 1/2 Marathon are coming up on April 19th. Charlottesville Marathon

Unfortunately, many races are held on Sundays. I hate to advertise for people to miss church, but one of the best spring races in our area is coming up on April 27th - the GW 10 Miler. They close down the GW Parkway for this race. It doesn't get much prettier - or flat :).

This fall, there are plenty of marathons and 1/2 marathons to pick from in our area - the VA Beach 1/2, the Baltimore Marathon & 1/2, Marine Corps Marathon and the Richmond Marathon.

If you've never run any distance race before, I encourage you to join the fun. Registering for a race is a great way to keep your running on track.

Happy running!


Saturday, March 1, 2008

First Run Scheduled - March 22nd (revised date)

If you enjoy the camaraderie of a group run, come join us for the inaugural run of Horizons Runners. We'll meet at 7 a.m. on Saturday, March 22nd at the parking lot of Rodney Thompson Middle School. We'll have a short meet & greet and devotional time and then set out for a 3-5 mile run. At the end of the run, we'll grab coffee at the Daily Grind (optional).

My hope is to schedule a run at least 2 times a month and the runs will vary in length. Ultimately, I'd love Horizons Runners to have a run scheduled every week, but that's a future goal and not something I can do right now :). Depending on interest levels, we'll schedule runs in other places too, like the Mt. Vernon Trail and the C&O Towpath. Some of us plan on doing some marathons and 1/2 marathons later in the year, so we can organize some training for that as well.

If you've never done a group run before, don't be intimidated. I've done a few and there are always a wide range of "talent" levels.

I'll use this site to post the schedule of runs and other information that will be of interest to those of us who love running...or at least like running :)

If you have any specific questions about the run(s) that are not addressed here, please email me at