Thursday, December 9, 2010

Red Eye Trail Run

Hope everyone is getting used to cold weather running. I didn't think I would have to pull out all of the cold weather gear this early.

Due to many other obligations throughout December, I don't think we'll have any organized runs this month. I did, however, want to plant the seed of a run many of you may want to consider.

It's called the Red Eye 50K Trail Run and is held on January 1st starting at 8 a.m at PW Forest Park. First, and maybe most importantly, you don't have to run 50K. It's a loop so you can easily run less. Also, and possibly equally important, there's no cost. Here's a website with more information.  It's not updated for this year yet, but the information from last year should hold true for this year as well. I'll send out the link again once it's been updated.

I plan on doing at least 1 loop and I know there are a couple other people in our group who are planning to do it once again - as they are veterans of this event. Start the year right and come out and join in the fun!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Turkey Trot - Thursday, November 25th @ 7 a.m.

I just did some quick research and math and have concluded that running the Horizons Church Turkey Trot will enable you to eat 2 additional pieces of pumpkin pie, guilt free. Make plans to join us on Thursday, November 25th at 7 a.m. We'll meet up in the church parking lot. We'll run our 5ish miles and you'll be home in time to put a turkey in the oven and catch the Macy's parade. If you have any questions about the run, please email me. I'm working on one person's suggestion to offer some sort of a pumpkin pie. :)
Also, congratulations to Bob H. for finishing his first 100 miler a couple weeks ago. I'm still impressed! And I welcome Ed A. to the running addiction - he ran his first 1/2 marathon last Saturday (Richmond), finished with a great time and is already planning to run his first marathon. Congrats and welcome Ed!

Hope you're having a great week and happy running!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Run Scheduled - Nov. 6th @ 7:00 a.m.

Congrats for great finishes over the last couple weeks for everyone who did the Army 10 Miler and Marine Corps Marathon! I'm already looking forward to the MCM next year.

This Saturday, Bob Hagan will be participating in his first 100 miler in Alabama (Pinhoti 100). Bob - our prayers are with you for a great event! While he's running 100, we'll meet up for our normal 5 mile run - Saturday at 7:00 a.m. in the Horizons Church parking lot. Hope you can join us. Please email me if you have any questions about the run.

Also, mark your calendars for our 3rd Annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day (11/25 @ 7 a.m.).


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Army 10 Miler & Marine Corps Marathon

This week, we have a few runners getting ready for their first 10 miler on Sunday (Army 10 Miler to be exact) and several other runners in their taper for the Marine Corps Marathon the following Sunday. I thought I'd share a few tips with the newbies - things I've generally learned the hard way. :)

- Proper hydration Make sure you are drinking lots of water this week, especially Friday & Saturday. Don't drink too much on Sunday morning. I generally only drink at most a bottle of water before a race - and that's typically only if I'm thirsty. Stop drinking water at least 30 minutes before the start time of the race; there's plenty of liquids available on the course. If you drink too much and too late on the day of the race, you will be one of the many unfornuate souls running into the woods, behind buildings, etc. during the race. Try and avoid this. Also, take fluids at every water/gatorade stop. You don't have to drink all of it, but at least drink some. When both are available, I take both, drink some gatorade and then wash it down with the water. If you can hear the water swishing around in your stomach, you've drunk too much. The water stops will be crowded. Plan on walking through them and don't feel like you have to get water at the very first table - there are typically several tables at each stop.

- If you haven't been eating before your runs, Sunday is not the time to start. If you generally eat before your runs, eat what you normally eat. The key is to do what you normally do - don't change your pattern. Of course if you normally eat Outback before you run, and you feel it while you run, then perhaps you should change your pattern. I speak from personal experience that Outback the night before a run is generally not a good idea, and a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, etc. the morning of a race is not a good idea. My prerace fuel for the marathons is typically fig newtons and Starbucks Double-Shot. That's just what works for me.

- Don't wear the event shirt to the event. Save it to wear next year or a different race. You'll see many people who break this etiquette, but choose to be cool.

- Don't carry change in your pocket. This is just one of my personal pet peeves.

- Speaking of clothes, dress for the temp at the end of the race, not the beginning. Temps are predicted to be in the 50's at the start, 70's at the end. I would suggest short sleeves and shorts. If you dress for the cooler temp, you'll be regretting it at the end. I generally wear something warmer to the race and check it at bag check so I will also have it after I cool down following the run. (Bag check is great - they do an awesome job with this!)

- Also on clothes, don't wear any clothes that you have not run in before. The expo will have lots of cool looking clothes that may tempt you but comfort is the most important factor, and if you haven't run in something before, you don't know if it will cause chafing, etc. Stick with what you know.

- These races are measured by the shortest distance from point A to point B. So, hug the corners - think in straight lines. Don't spend a lot of your energy passing people and changing "lanes" so to speak. It will be crowded and I've wasted a lot of energy in the past darting in and out around people. Now I just take it a little more relaxed, pass when I can, and try to stay out of people's "sweat wakes" (excessive sweat flying off of other runners...gross).

- Plan your run, run your plan. Don't go out too fast. That's one of the most important factors for a new runner. The adrenaline will enable you to run your first few miles faster than you've probably ever run. Don't do this. It will make the end of the run miserable for you. You know what your pace generally is - run it. If you're feeling great in the later part of the run, then pick up your pace and sprint to the end!

- You've done the training, you are prepared. Now enjoy every moment of your race. Both of these races have wonderful scenery, are fairly flat, easy courses, and boast some of the best crowd support you'll ever experience. Take it all in!

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

Good luck everyone!


Friday, October 8, 2010

Race Season

Not only does October bring great weather - it also brings a season of race events. Here's something that hopefully will provide a little inspiration as you complete your training and events.

I'll never forget the first time I saw someone with 2 prosthetic legs running. It was during my first ever 1/2 marathon. A combination of inspiration and guilt is probably the most accurate representation of my feelings. How could I complain about how my legs were feeling? Since then I've seen this same scenario at pretty much every 1/2 marathon and marathon I've done. The wheelchair athletes that compete in the Marine Corps Marathon are incredible!

The other night, I caught part of a special on ESPN, "The Body Issue." One of the stories was about Rudy Garcia-Tolson who is a double-amputee iron-man competitor. I was hoping his story would be included in the magazine but it's not. (Here's another article I found: One of the fascinating facts from this show (I hope I get this right...) - a double-amputee needs 280% more oxygen than someone with legs because of how the heart works differently pumping blood through their system. Also, when we walk or run and our foot hits the ground, we are helping circulate the blood through our system more efficiently - and this is another hurdle for amputees.

I am thankful to an amazing Creator for every breath I get to take and am inspired by those who do so much more with less.

Good luck to Debbie & Vinny who are running the Chicago Marathon this weekend! The weather forecast looks beautiful (not too cold like last year, or too hot like 3 years ago :)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Run Scheduled, Saturday, Oct. 2nd at 7 a.m.

Hello Runners!

Fall running is finally here - now if the weather would just figure that out!

We'll meet for a run this Saturday, October 2nd (YIKES!) at 7:00 a.m. The run will be 5 miles and we'll be meeting in the Horizons Church parking lot. Hope you can join us. Please email me if you have any questions about our runs.
Have a great week!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

12 Hour Endurance Run

Congrats to Dave R. on completing 8 loops (6.5 miles each - do the math - WOW!) at PW Forest Park during the 12 Hour Adventure Trail Run.  I ran loop 7 with him and he was running STRONG.  Here are a few shots...

This is Dave finishing loop 6...

Dave at the end of loop 8!

Dave & Rich

Great job Dave!


3rd Annual Turkey Trot

Thursday, November 25th @ 7 a.m.

Come meet us at the Horizons Church parking lot for a 5 mile run on Thanksgiving morning. There are no prizes, mile markers, water stops, t-shirts or registration fees. This is just a fun run to start the festivities of Thanksgiving Day. Bring your friends and family and burn some calories to prepare for the feasts laster in the day. Email if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

12 Hour Adventure Trail Run - Saturday, September 18th

Hello Runners! This week, instead of our normal meet-up, I am including information on a trail run that Dave R. is doing on Saturday. See below for information on joining him for a lap or two. BTW, he mentions coming out for the "later laps" but I did confirm that we are welcome to join him for any of the laps. You should just make sure you can keep up with is fast legs in the early laps (that's my addition, not Dave's :)

Let me know if you have any questions about Horizons Runners or Saturday's event.


Fellow runners and friends,
This Saturday I’ll be in the 12-Hour Adventure Trail Run at Prince William Forest Park (PWFP), just outside of Triangle, VA. The objective is to run as many loops of the course (each loop is 6.5 miles) within the 12-Hour time limit. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? My goal is to run at least 52 miles (8 loops) and it would be great to have my friends there to cheer me on during the last couple of laps and celebrate with me at the finish. Or, bring your running stuff and do a lap with me (I should be real slooow by the afternoon). So come on out to the Telegraph Picnic Pavilion (that’s the Rest Station/Finish Area) anytime after 3 PM – earlier if you’d like – and enjoy the show until you see me stagger out of the forest.

Here’s my run plan, but don’t hold me to it. Hopefully, I’ll be ahead 15-30 minutes of schedule by the 6th loop!

Loop Depart Arrive

1 6:15 AM (Start) 7:40 AM
2 7:45 AM 9:10 AM
3 9:15 AM 10:40 AM
4 10:45 AM 12:10 PM
5 12:15 PM 1:40 PM
6 1:45 PM 3:10 PM
7 3:15 PM 4:40 PM
8 4:45 PM 6:10 PM (Finish)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Crazy Ultra Runners

Hello runners!  I'm sitting here recovering from my training run this morning, not wanting to move, so I figured it would be a great time to do a blog post.  Today was a 19 miler (total of 45 for the week).  The good thing about doing the 19 is that it means the marathon can't be too far away (8 weeks...I guess that's still pretty far) and that fall is here!  After the hot & humid summer we've had, I certainly am looking forward to some cool running days. 

I also got to wear my new running shoes today - I had waited too long to change mine out - what a difference it makes.  I actually tried a different brand that I wont' name last week, but they didn't work out for me, so I'm back to my trusty Asics - Gel Kayano 15's.  So thankful that they became classics, available through and also thankful that you're allowed to return shoes there, even after you've worn them.

Last week, one of the runners in the group did an ultra run, the Cheat Mountain Moonshine Madness 50 Mile Trail Run.  He sent me an email afterwards describing the event and I thought it was so good that I'm sharing it here.  For those who read that I ran 19 this morning and think that's crazy, wait until you read this (thanks Bob, for sharing):

quick recap from Fri night - Sat a.m. adventure.

tough event. rugged, beautiful location in WV. 13 miles of fire road (mostly uphill)) to start followed by 20 miles of mostly single track, technical trail (which was surprisingly wet - the kind of environment the Cheat Mountain Salamander (featured in today's F-burg paper) likes) and 17 miles of fire road to the end, which was mostly downhill. the nighttime start was cool. clear night, nearly full moon. I felt like I handled the fire road portion in the beginning just about right -- left the road at 2hr50min, so met my on the trail by Saturday plan...first segment of trail was surreal - I did not see another runner the whole time - 4 miles and change - felt fine, through an aid station and then onto second trail segment when the wheels started to fall off -- must have been about 4 hrs and change into the run -- off the trail and to the 23m aid station at just under 6hrs -- cutoff was 6:30, so I was closer than expected. left there at 6hr1min (3:00 a.m.) the next segment ate my lunch -- 1hr20min to go 4.5 miles...I then had 1hr40 minutes to go 5.5 miles to make the 33m cutoff of 9hrs -- a scooby doo 'ruh roh' moment.  I consciously worked harder to move at a quicker tempo with some success, but really struggled with doubt and hoped at several points to miss the cutoff and just go to sleep - honestly, a real struggle. I prayed, but selfishly and did not feel any real peace. hit the aid station at 8hr45min, so able to continue but feeling pretty low. changed socks and stepped off at 8hr50min feeling poorly physically and mentally. the next segment was 3.8 miles up and down, but all fire road. I felt like I was moving backward. had to pit stop and wanted to sleep pretty strongly, but also dialed into the thought of Christ allowing us to overcome. put ipod on for the first time and made the aid station at 9hr50min, which was quicker than expected. 7 a.m. came and I started to feel stronger -- I honestly thought it must be prayers being spoken in the Horizons Church parking lot -- the next aid station was 7.2 miles and I covered it much quicker 1hr13min than I had on the way up. the last leg was 5.7 miles and I covered it almost exactly the same as the first time to finish in 12hr24min. . .13 hrs was the official finisher cutoff.
tired but not too beat up today. I am thankful for the chance to stretch myself in these runs. . .some confidence that you don't have to log as many miles as it might seem to be prepared b/c I have not run more than 4 days in any week since February.

Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did (from the comfort of my chair).  We have some amazing runners in our group, and if you are interested in finding out about long distance running, ultra runs, etc., please don't hesitate to ask.  We all love helping new runners catch the bug that we have.

Stay tuned for upcoming runs - we're off our usual every other weeks schedule to do training schedules, but we'll still be getting some runs in over the next couple months.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Run Schedule

Hey everyone. Hope your running is going well.

Due to vacation schedules, marathon training, etc., the group runs are not going to run the normal every other week schedule for the next couple months. Here's what I anticipate the schedule will look like.

5 mile runs at 7:00 a.m. on August 28th, September 18th, October 2nd.

I will send out an email any week that a run is scheduled. I also hope to schedule some other runs in - perhaps some longer distances. Speaking of that, if anyone is interested in 8 miles early this Saturday, email me and let me know.

Stay hydrated - it's hot out there!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Run Scheduled - Saturday, July 31st @ 7:00 a.m.

Hello Runners!  We'll be doing a 5ish mile run this Saturday, July 31st.  We'll meet at 7:00 a.m. in the Horizons Church parking lot.  Hope you can join us and please email me should you have any questions.  I do want to give everyone some advance notice that the scheduling of runs may change a little bit over the next few months as marathon training is in full gear now.

Horizons sends out a devotional to their leaders and based on the topic, I asked Rich's permission to share the one he sent out last week.  It's obviously geared to those in leadership, but I think there is a lot that has application in whatever roles we find ourselves in.  Here it is...I pray it encourages you.  Blessings, Karen

I’m doing a lot of running right now – 5 days a week. I’m preparing for the Marine Corps Marathon – my first one. Do you know the thought that keeps haunting me during my runs – like the one this morning?  If I am struggling through this run of 6 miles which is only about ¼ of a marathon - then how in the world am I going to run 26 miles?  I believe the key is endurance. Day after day, week after week, I am slowly teaching my body to endure more than before and the idea is that it culminates in a cycle of building blocks that ultimately empowers you to do more than you could before. I couldn’t run a marathon tomorrow, but I believe I will on October 31.

In 1 Corinthians 15:58, the apostle Paul encourages all of us, but I think it is especially true for those of us who lead…be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. As a leader, you are engaged in guiding and caring for others that are on the journey of learning how their commitment in ministry will someday empower them to do more for God’s kingdom, maybe even more than they ever thought or dreamed. There are a lot of distractions and excuses I could offer each morning when it’s time to lace up the shoes and go our for another run – but I have committed to a path of endurance for 18 weeks that will lead me to my destination. So keep at it, keep abounding in the work of the Lord because what you are doing is making a difference for eternity.

Rich Pennington

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Run Scheduled - July 17th @ 7:00 a.m.

We will meet this Saturday, July 17th at 7:00 a.m. in the Horizons Church parking lot for a 5 mile run.  I'm not sure what the weather will be, but I'm pretty sure it will be more enjoyable than last Saturday morning's weather.  I've never run through that much rain - and don't plan on doing it again anytime soon.  My mp3 player didn't make it - thankful that my Garmin did.  I haven't checked to see if my shoes have dried yet.

Let me know if you have any questions about the run and I look forward to seeing y'all on Saturday.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Run Scheduled - July 3rd @ 7:00 a.m.

Hey everyone. Hope you're having a blessed week. I missed running with y'all last Saturday, but the 24 Hours of Worship & Prayer event was awesome! We will meet this Saturday, July 3rd at 7:00 a.m. For those new to the group, we meet in the Horizons Church parking lot and our run is a little over 5 miles. The weather is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL - UNSEASONABLY FANTASTIC! Hope to see you there. Email me if you have any questions about the run and have a great rest of the week!


Monday, June 21, 2010

No Run Saturday - 24 Hours of Prayer & Worship Instead

Hey everyone. Hope you are having a great summer of running. I'm still trying to get used to the hot and humid weather, but I know that training in these conditions will pay off when I'm running the Marine Corps Marathon on a beautiful 55 degree, low humidity day. :) At least that's what I'm praying for.

First, congrats to Dave R. for a PR in the Battlefield Half-Marathon (Winchester, VA) on Saturday and for finishing first in his age group. Awesome! And kudos to Bob H. who once again completed the 40 mile Highlands Sky Trail Run, marking his 10th ultra run . Check out to see a very interesting video about the course and its maintenance. I'm humbled by even imagining this kind of run. As Bob mentioned in an email, it helps "focus him on the Sustainer...a chance to overcome like Christ has empowered us to do." That's a great reminder.

Typically we would be running this Saturday, but I'm going to push the run back a week to July 3rd due to the 24 Hours of Worship and Prayer event at Horizons. We'll have family in town and I will be part of the worship throughout, so I will put my running on hold. But please do make plans to come out sometime for the worship and prayer. I can't wait to be led in worship by some amazing bands and worship leaders. I'm especially partial to a couple of the late Friday evening sets which will include my brother-in-law and my former piano teacher (not together, but you get the point). If you have any questions about the event, feel free to email me or check out Horizons website (


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Run Scheduled - Saturday, June 12th at 7:00 a.m.

We will meet up for a run this Saturday, June 12th at 7:00 a.m. in the Horizons Church parking lot. We'll be doing the normal @ 5 mile run. Hope to see you there!

Please email me ( if you have any questions about our runs.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Trail Run - June 5th at 7:00 a.m.

Dave Robertson is going to be doing a trail run tomorrow at Prince William Forest Park and all are welcome to join him. He's going to be doing 12 miles, but if you are interested in doing the trail(s) but want a shorter run, he can break the run into shorter loops (4, 6 or 8). Meet up will be at the PWF Visitor Center Parking Lot at 7 a.m. sharp. Please email us back and let us know if you plan on running so we know who to be on the lookout for.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another HOT day so a run in the forest will be much cooler and shaded...

Thanks Dave for heading up this run.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No Run This Saturday - May 29th

Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone! Because of the holiday weekend and multiple other obligations and opportunities, we will not be meeting for run club this Saturday. I may schedule the next run for the following weekend though - I'll keep you posted.

Congrats to all who ran the Historic Half a few weeks ago!
There is a race coming up in June that I wanted to let y'all know about - it's the Battlefield Half Marathon and is being held on Saturday, June 19th. It's in Winchester, VA and is only $35 to register. Here's the website:  I haven't registered yet, but I'm very seriously considering it. If anyone else plans to run it and wants to carpool, let me know. My plan would be to leave Stafford around 4:30 a.m.

Hope you have a great rest of the week, a chance to relax this holiday weekend, and don't forget what it is we celebrate on Memorial Day.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Run Scheduled - This Saturday, May 15th

Horizons Runners will be meeting this Saturday, May 15th. We gather in the Horizons Church parking lot. At 7:00 a.m., those interested in a 5 mile run will meet up and run. At 8:15 a.m., there will be another run for beginner runners and/or those who are in the 3 mile or less ability range. If you aren't sure which group you would fit best in, email me and we can discuss your specific ability and I can let you know where I think you'll fit best. I would like to know who to expect at the 8:15 a.m. run, so if you plan on joining us, please send me an email (

For the runners who come at 7:00 a.m., you are all welcome (and encouraged) to hang around for the 2nd run and to help mentor the new runners. No matter which run you are coming to, please remember to be prompt as we head out for our runs a few minutes after the meet up time.

Good luck to all who are doing the Marine Corps Historic Half this Sunday. Even though I'm not running it, I'm hoping to hit the Expo sometime this weekend to take advantage of the great deals that are sometimes available on shoes, etc.  There is also a donation drop-off for gently worn shoes.

Have a great rest of the weekend and I hope to see you on Saturday!


Friday, April 30, 2010

Run Scheduled - Saturday, May 1st @ 7:00 a.m. & 8:15 a.m.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Horizons Runners will be meeting this Saturday, May 1st. We gather in the Horizons Church parking lot. I am going to try something new this week, so here are the details.

At 7:00 a.m., those interested in a 5 mile run will meet up and run. At 8:15 a.m., there will be another run for beginner runners and/or those who are in the 3 mile or less ability range. This is an experiment so hopefully it works and accomodates the many different ability levels that are represented. If you aren't sure which group you would fit best in, email me and we can discuss your specific ability and I can let you know where I think you'll fit best. I would like to know who to expect at the 8:15 a.m. run, so if you plan on joining us, please send me an email.

For the runners who come at 7:00 a.m., you are all welcome (and encouraged) to hang around for the 2nd run and to help mentor the new runners. No matter which run you are coming to, please remember to be prompt as we head out for our runs a few minutes after the meet up time.

I hope this makes sense - please let me know if you have any questions.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Run Scheduled - Saturday, April 17th at 7:00 a.m.

Join Horizons Runners this Saturday, April 17th at 7:00 a.m. for a run.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEET TIME IS BACK TO 7:00 A.M.  We will meet in the Horizons Church parking lot. 

Now that I'm officially signed up to run the Marine Corps Marathon again, I'm excited to get out and do a race.  October seems so far away.  On the other hand, as the weather warms up, I know it will get harder and harder to be motivated to do the long runs.  Anyone know of a good half-marathon in our area in the next couple months that isn't on a Sunday?

This Sunday, the Life Groups of Horizons Church will be "on display" before and after service so if you have any questions about the group, please come up and talk to me.  I'd love to meet you!  One of the best parts of this group is meeting other runners and learning from them. 

Have a great week running and I'll see you on Saturday at 7:00 a.m.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Run Scheduled - April 3rd @ 7:30 a.m.

We will meet this Saturday, April 3rd at 7:30 a.m. in the Horizons Church parking lot for a run. The weather is supposed to be spectacular! Hope you can join us.

Also, if you don't have a church home, we would love to have you join Horizons Church on Sunday morning for our Easter celebration. Services are at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Please let me know if you have any questions about the service, childcare, etc.

Finally, congrats to the Horizons Runners "Team" for a great showing at the Park Ridge 5k. The coordinators did an excellent job organizing a fun event!
See you Saturday.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome Park Ridge 5k Runners!

If you've found out about Horizons Runners from the information provided at the Park Ridge 5k, welcome!  We'd love for you to join us for one of our Saturday runs.  You can find out a lot of information about our group by reading past blog entries.  If there are any unanswered questions, or if you would like to be on our email distribution list of scheduled runs, please email me at

Hope you had a great 5k!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

This Saturday - Park Ridge 5k

Typically, we would be meeting for a run this Saturday. However, due to the Park Ridge 5k, we will "technically" not be meeting - although I know I'll see many of your faces at the 5k. The weather is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL!!!

If you're interested in the 5k, it's not too late to join the fun - registration is available the morning of the race. Check the website for times (

Have a great rest of the week!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Race Registration Reminders

Park Ridge 5k: This race will be held next Saturday, March 20th at 8 a.m.  Childcare is provided and there is a 1 mile fun run at 9 a.m.  Horizons Church is a sponsor of this event once again and it should be a great time.  Race day registration is available.

Marine Corps Marathon:  The MCM is on Sunday, October 31st.  This race sells out quickly (only takes a couple days to fill to capacity).  If you are active duty military or reserves, you can register now.  For the rest of us, registration opens on April 7th.  I set a reminder on my calendar each year to make sure I don't miss out!  If you've never done a marathon before, now is a great time to commit.  You have PLENTY of time to train - even if you can't run a mile today - and this is in my opinion the BEST marathon for a first-timer.  (

Some other great runs coming up (links on the right side of the page):

Terrapin Mountain 50k and Half Marathon:  March 27th

Charlottesville Marathon/Half Marathon:  April 17th 

Marine Corps Racing Series: There are some other great races coming up put on by the MC...Historic Half, Run Amuck, Crossroads 17.75K

Army 10 Miler:  October 24th, race sells out - registration opens April 1st

Life is Like an Hourglass

Spring is here!  I loved running this morning in the rain - even though the conditions weren't perfect - it was so much better than being bundled up running with temps in the teens.  I've been pushing up my number of runs for the last couple of weeks.  One of the best parts for me about running more is that it gives me more time to think, to reflect, to clear my mind.  I love listening to music while I run - especially songs that talk about our great God and songs that challenge me in my walk. 

Not a Christian song, but a great lyric still, caught my attention this morning.  "Life's like an hourglass glued to the table."  A good reminder that we have a limited number of days here on earth, and we should first and most importantly know what our eternal life will be, but secondly, we should live the days we have here well.  Are you living your life well?  How's your thought life?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Run Scheduled - March 6th @ 7:30 a.m.

All runners - and those training to be runners - are invited to join Horizons Runners this Saturday, March 6th at 7:30 a.m. for a run.  We'll meet in the Horizons Church parking lot and will do a 3 mile run for anyone training to do the Park Ridge 5k - and will do a longer distance for anyone who desires that as well.

Hard to believe that the Park Ridge 5k is only 18 days away - a sure sign of spring.  There is a 60 degree day in the 10 day forecast, so I'm ignoring the snowflakes that are in today's. :)  Parents, did you know that there is childcare provided for the 5k?  See their site for details.

I have spring fever bad.  I only had to wear a long sleeve shirt and jacket today instead of my typical 2 jackets and shirt.  That's a good sign.  Once I can run in shorts without gloves and a hat, I'll really know that warm weather is here!

Hope to see ya'll on Saturday and don't forget to register for the Park Ridge 5k.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Park Ridge 5K - March 20th

In 2002, I ran my first organized race. It was the Park Ridge 5K. I received a trophy. Since then, I have gone on to run several ½ and full marathons, but there’s still something special about that 5K. (In the interest of full disclosure, the trophy was for 2nd place in my age division and I think there might have only been 3 people in my age division…thankfully I can’t find the results online.)
The 2010 Park Ridge 5K is coming up in a few short weeks on March 20th at 8 a.m. The reason for my email about the race is two-fold:

Would you consider registering for this race and supporting the school that is in Horizon’s backyard? The registration is $20 and includes a t-shirt if you register by this Monday, March 1st. ( After that the cost goes up and you don’t get a shirt. I know that many of you are used to running much longer distances, so why bother with a 5K? Others of you are intimidated by the thought of running a 5K. There is great value to both groups to running this distance. For the long distance runners, it’s a great time to work on speed – think about the burst needed at the end of a marathon. For those new to running, this is a great distance that gives you a very achievable goal and will build your confidence…refer back to my trophy :). (There is also a 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk that is great for kids who aren’t ready for the 5K distance.) But even if you don’t care much about the running part, please consider the following…

Horizons Church will once again be a sponsor of the event. I think this is a great way for the church to reach out to support our local community. We will also be able to promote that there is a group of people at the church who love to run and for those looking for a running group – we’re right in their backyard. Would you consider donating to the church’s sponsorship? If we each donated $25, for example, it would cover a sponsorship that will allow us to have a banner at the start/finish line, a link on the website and materials in the runner’s packet. If you are interested in donating, simply mark the $ amount and “5K” on your check or online gift. Let me know if you have any questions about this part. Also, if you or someone you know would love to run the race but would not be able to afford the registration fee, please let me know.

So, tell your friends, family, co-workers, etc. about this run and come out and join us. It’s a great time of fun, competition, and it’s good for the community. I’m hoping to win another trophy, but chances are I won’t see another one for quite some time. Please contact me should you have any questions.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Run Scheduled - Saturday, February 20th @ 7:30 a.m.

Predicted high for Saturday - 45. Nice. Unfortunately, it won't be quite that warm at 7:30 :)

We'll meet up in the Horizons Church parking lot this Saturday at 7:30 a.m. for a run.  For those who may be new to the group, we generally run about 5 miles - but at least 3. We'll have to be careful on our run as the sidewalks/running paths are still nonexistent, but at least the roads are generally cleared. It may be significantly better by Saturday if we get sun and warm temps before then, but I'm not to confident that we'll see that much melting in the next 2 days.  Email me if you have any questions about the run (

Well done to Dave & Bob in their completion of the Holiday Lake 50K last Saturday in less than ideal conditions!  Here's Bob (in the gray) running through the water - which as I undertand they had to cross twice.

Happy Running & Blessings,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Run Postponed Due to Weather Conditions

Normally we would have a run scheduled for this Saturday, but due to the fact that we now live in a winter wonderland, I'm not even going to try...  As it stands, most sidewalks and paths are not cleared of snow and ice and the fine forecasters are predicting another blizzard for Saturday. 

I hope to enjoy a run either way, but I'm not holding my breath. 

Happy Running - wherever it may be :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Run Scheduled - Saturday, January 23 @ 7:30 a.m.

First, I have to say that the trail run last Saturday was a blast!  I'm still in a little pain from it, but it was a great time.  I didn't feel bad while running - the muscle soreness was after the fact.  Thanks to Bob & Dave for helping those of us who are directionally challenged not get lost!

This Saturday at 7:30 a.m., we'll meet at the Horizons Church parking lot for our normal 5ish mile road run.  Hope you can join us.  If you have any questions about the group, feel free to email me at

Hope you have a great week!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Trail Run at PW Forest Park - Saturday, January 16th

We will be doing a trail run at Prince William Forest Park this coming Saturday, January 16th.  I'm inexperienced when it comes to trail running, but thankfully Bob H. and Dave R. will be leading the way for this run.

Here's the plan and information on a baseline of experience that will be necessary.  We'll meet at the HC parking lot next Saturday, Jan. 16th at 7:00 a.m. to carpool together to PW Forest (let me know if you want to/need meet us at the park instead). Bob will lead us on a 1 1/2 - 2 hour (approx.) trail run.  Because of the distance, you should plan on carrying water - if you don't have a hydration belt or pack of some sort, let me know as Bob and others have extras.

New to trail running and curious if you have "what it takes"? Here's Bob's response: "If you can run/walk for an hour and you don't mind being on a trail, you should be set. The base loop I am thinking of is ~9 miles and it runs around 1:40-2hrs - combination of single track trail and service roads, but we can easily adjust the course distance to incorporate anyone interested. PWF is a gem, I will look forward to running there with the group of Christian brothers and sisters. My trail running last year really provided unique opportunities to grow in my faith. is a link to an event that Dave and I both did last year...Terrapin Mountain 1/2 marathon and 50K. The 1/2 is a great intro to trail running -- challenging terrain, but a distance that is easier to get your mind around. May be of interest to anyone who has fun next weekend."

Please email me ( if you plan on attending and/or if you have any questions about the run.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Run Scheduled - January 9th at 7:30 a.m. (New Time)

Happy New Year everyone. I hope running made it onto your list of New Year's resolutions.

I am embracing a new love of running in the cold - okay, not really - but I'm trying. Because 39 remains the highest temp in the forecast for the next week, and the highest low is 24, I've decided that I can't wait until it warms up to run. That said, I am really looking forward to the next time that the sun is shining and the temp is 60 with the slightest hint of a breeze. I may be waiting a while.

Speaking of cold weather running, we'll meet up for our first run of the year this Saturday, January 9th at 7:30 a.m. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME. We'll meet at 7:30 a.m. for the next couple months so it will be a little lighter when we start. See you in the Horizons Church parking lot at 7:30 a.m.

Cold weather running tip - where a scarf over your mouth/nose so you don't breathe the cold in directly. Saves you from the cold lung cough for the rest of the day. I'm also layering my hands - mittens on top of my gloves.

Hope to see you Saturday - happy running!