Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Run Scheduled - March 14th

Morning temp for Saturday is forecasted to be in the 40's. Considering how cold it has been for our runs recently, that will feel great!

There's a great article in Runner's World this month about running with others and the positive benefits. I am thankful for this group and how it has encouraged me to get outside to run on some mornings that I would have made any excuse not to get out of bed.

We currently meet up at Rodney Thompson Middle School (for just a few more runs - then we'll be meeting at the building!) We'll plan on doing a 4 mile group run. If you have any questions about the group, like where Rodney Thompson is or how challenging the run is, etc., please don't hesitate to email me (karenegyud@gmail.com) or call (703.403.3388) and as always, feel free to invite a friend to join us.

See you Saturday!

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