Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No Run Scheduled for 10/31

I originally planned on having a run scheduled for this Saturday (10/31), but I'll be out of town at the end of the week and won't be back into Stafford until the wee hours of Saturday morning.  So, I'll let y'all know if the next run will be 11/7 or 11/14.  Don't forget that there will be a run on Thanksgiving morning again this year.

Congrats to all of the finishers of the Marine Corps Marathon.  I am so impressed by the job that MCM does in putting together a fantastic event.  You have to be okay with crowds to love this event, but there's nothing like running through large, cheering crowds and having our men in uniform stationed along the entire course.  I could go on and on about the flyover at the beginning, well managed water and food stations, very friendly participants, etc., etc.  The weather was fantastic too!

As I continue to relearn how to walk down steps, I look forward to getting back out there and planning the next event.

Happy Running!


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